Saturday, 31 December 2011

life status

Spoke to a good friend, and the takeaway from the conversation: 'Live life with respect, and not in retrospect!'. Probably one of the most trippy profound statements ever made.Till now i was walking on the boulevard of broken dreams, thank you Mathur for bringing me back on track. At the risk of sounding like the title of a self help book, moments finally seem to be shaping my life for the better.

Sign offffff............


                                  now that's what i call a true geeks watch 

Friday, 30 December 2011


“Curiosity killed the cat,”

                                                                                   “And satisfaction brought it back.” 

If u say me it was curiosity that killed the cat than I can only say the cat died “nobly”.
This topic popped up during a chat with one of my friend a curious way to strike upon a topic as curious as “curiosity”, sounds too rhyming...but that is the usual way for a curious mind to find what it requires, even at the times when it is not even thinking about something but out of nowhere the revelation strikes down.
Even before Newton apples used to fall & Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton asked why? It was the curious mind of Newton to discover gravity, even though the guy was a clever thief who stole many of his students work & other theoretical physicists, but let’s not take credit from him for some of his original work. Curiosity is an important trait of a genius. I don’t think you can find an intellectual giant who is not a curious person. 
 Curiosity is an encouragement for doing work, when I am curious about anything and I want to find the answer it makes me more efficient; I do my best and I put my brain into it.  It inspires people to invent, even to think!
Curiosity is a hunger to explore and a delight in discovery. When we are curious, we approach the world with a child-like habit of poking and prodding and asking questions. We are attracted to new experiences. Rather than pursuing an agenda or a desired set of answers, we follow our questions where they lead.
Socially, curiosity let us really listen to other people because we want to know who they are. We open ourselves to the morsels of knowledge and experience they can share with us. We relish having discoveries of our own to share.

If a person is bored than I suggest the cure to be curious. In this case I feel I have special powers as I am passionately curious, it’s an eager confession I am particularly proud of, basically, I have been compelled by curiosity.

Guided by my blind impulse of curiosity, I am a vagabond..

Sign offffff..........

Wednesday, 28 December 2011


Every now and then you find movies that beg to differ from the pattern. They start a new genre all together, and redefine the ways the movie experiences are meant to be.

This movie is not one among those. It is their grand daddy!

 This movie changes the way people perceive when they watch something. The art work is godly and the ways the motions have been conceptualized and eventually implemented are mind blowing. Take it from me, you will not pause the movie to do something else during the movie. You just cannot. But you may pause, a large number of times, to appreciate the art, to appreciate the way the sequences have been put together, to appreciate every inch of black and every half inch of white. And you will definitely pause, to stop, and stare at the screen in awe.

  I might have made it sound like I was doing a piece as if I was Pablo Francisco. But this movie definitely deserves and calls for all the attention.

  And when I say that, I say that out of experience. I had not slept properly the previous night, and it was already 12 midnight when I decided to try this movie, and my eyes were totally weary. For the next one hour forty minutes, I could barely blink.

Don't be confused by the poster that it is just some movie of 1960's, this movie was released in 2006 and as a matter of fact Renaissance took six years to complete on a budget of 15 million dollars.

 As an aside, the plot gives you the feel of a regular sci fi, but everything else just steals the show. So the plot eventually does not matter.

  A user comment on IMDB -
''First things first, this movie is achingly beautiful. A someone who works on 3D CG films as a lighter/compositor, the visuals blew me away. Every second I was stunned by what was on screen.''

Watch the trailer if you have the time right now -

   Unfortunately, I do not see these kind of movies coming to Indian screens any time. So if you want to watch it, get a DVD and make sure that you watch it on a really nice screen and really good speakers. It was my luck that i saw this movie in a movie library while randomly surfing through the contents there & what particularly caught my attention was its cover & title so just thought of giving it try, who says you cant judge a book  or movie by its cover, as a matter of fact sometimes you can. TRUST me, you will find it worth your time.

Monday, 26 December 2011

Good or Bad?

Ladies and gentlemen (though I have always wondered why 'ladies' comes first! probably because of the saying 'ladies first', but then, why ladies first?) anyways lets rest the thought for now.
A lot has been happening in my life and lives of people around and close to me of late. A lot has always happened, but the recent happenings appear to carry more significance even in the short attention span than most other events did in their short term attention spans in my life. A lot has been learnt, and there does not seem to be a bottom line per se, but only learning, and more of it.
I had started believing firmly that the reason why people start pursuing materialistic pleasures is because pursuing relations or human beings is just not worth it. Parallely, I was contradicting myself, because I wanted to still pursue feelings, and the pain and pleasure they offer.

Amidst all this, it appeared to me that things are just not the same anymore. Most things around seem like a farce. I had begun trying to read between the lines with every person. I had actually begun implementing an advice given to me long ago on a jovial note, and had begun telling people what they wanted to hear and not what I wanted to say. I was losing my genuine behavior, the true me. Slowly, I had begun forming a protective shell around me. Is it good ? The wall that I was trying to create, and not letting people penetrate it and at the same time being scared about the shell enveloping me completely, was a kind of a contradiction. Was the act of two timing my own mind bad ? I had begun to firmly believe that nobody is genuine and the best thing is to avoid any situation where I would be vulnerable and would end up in a situation where I would get hurt.

All said and done, it was chaos, and usually things get sorted out, but this was increasingly becoming a trouble.

Recently, over a chat on a drive, with one of my friend, he gave me some food for thought. He did not particularly classify people as genuine and not so genuine. People are different. But if one starts to create a shell around himself, he/she ends up portraying a character that he/she isn't. The perception offered to people is an illusion by itself, hence the judgment that people make of one is a completely distorted one. This in turn leads to a false circle being formed around oneself, an infinite loop within another loop.

One would be blocking the only window that one has to the outer world : Oneself. In the longer run, the people who get filtered and eventually stick with you are the people who know the true person in you and are similar to you. Hence, by pretending to be someone else, you are taking away the possibility of similar people coming towards you.

In any case, cheers to genuineness.....

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Human Beings

Are rarely smart.
The problem is that most never want to believe that they are dumb.
PS: I am too tired of labels. If you have the time, suggest some better ones..

Sunday, 18 December 2011

The Pursuit of Happyness

Well I kept this title because it was a movie of the same title which made me to write. Well, a million dollar question- How many guys get their eyes moist while watching these sad-ending chick flicks?? On the internet , mainly in forums with anonymous or pseudo names many guys do admit  that  these movies move them a lot and a little tears can't be helped but we all  know we won't ever admit it in real world . Of course we are men and we don't cry, right?
                                            With me, honestly I can't help the tears fall back if the movies are that sad. Generally movies are meant to be enjoyed which is the sole purpose why me and most other people watch it as there is no better way to spend 2 hrs.  So basically I am getting cheated with the sad movies because I am not a happy man after watching it. Why do you need a sad ending??? This is fiction; you are supposed to have control over the story line unlike in real life. Why can't we always have a happily ever after? When I was 14 or 15 I saw the ‘the green mile’ and goddamn it, it was moving. I thought getting your eyes moist is only a phase but I was wrong. It continues, be it A bridge to terabithia or  the green mile. But as a lover of movies, you have to admit these kind of movies have a storyline which has quality written all over it. I guess we do need such movies to make us realise that life is not always a bed of roses

A Walk to remember - It shows that love can save anyone, teach us to live, and yet in the end make us cry!

Schindler's List - A truly exceptional piece of cinema. You have to be truly heartless to not cry in this film.

The Pursuit of Happiness - At the of end the movie we come to know what happiness actually means. When there’s happiness truly can you control the tears?

The Bridge to Terabithia - This movie shows you that how the kid’s imagination and his friends are almost his life so we must respect him and the things he loves.

The Notebook - It touched my heart and made me feel something I have never felt for movies ever.

The Green Mile - This is an incredibly powerful and sad movie, if you don't cry by the end you aren't human!

There are many more, but for now I guess this much is enough....  

Ah! Goddamn it these are my vacations I must remain happy,but the only person I am trying to make happy is myself, life ain’t all about happiness, is it???

Sign offffffff.......

Thursday, 15 December 2011

How the money works... part 2

So folks I am finally back on my blog, sorry for my apparent’s  continuation to my previous post titled ‘How the money works... part 1’.......

I think the inequality in the world monetary system is quiet apparent. The system clearly reflected the beginning of Capitalism at the world stage after the Second World War. This further led to the cold war because the Russians did not want the American dollar to rule the world. As we all know, they lost. 
I am not against Capitalism or Communism. In this case I take the middle view. Capitalism is a good idea, excellent in fact, when put in an envelope called Democracy.  Democracy - that granted everyone equal rights and freedoms. There is no democracy at the world stage. Countries are democracies but the world is not, as the assigning of quotas shows. 
Countries had to grant their citizens equal rights ....but with whatever quota they were given. 
So equal rights in US and Europe meant - Free Health care, Unemployment pay ( very capitalistic !!), Free Education,  Pension Plans , Big Mortgages, Social Security. They had, they borrowed, and they had more.
And equality in Africa meant- Maybe someday everyone will have water and electricity and polio drops!! They couldn’t fulfil it, so they borrowed!!

But things are not as hopeless as they may seem. Many Asian countries including India and China were able to attain rapid growth, thanks to Education and Infrastructure development. 

The US consumer’s total consumption per year is $ 9 trillion. China's consumers spend $ 1 trillion and Indians about $ 600 billion a year. This is mainly because Chindians have a higher savings rate. ( Chindians is an accepted word in Economics nomenclature for Chinese and Indians it’s just amalgamation of the words ....)

The US can print cash and they have to pay about 1 -1.5 % interest on their bonds and countries like India have to pay 4 -5 %. So the US had access to a lot of liquidity. Which in fact led to the whole credit-crunch and sub prime mess.

 People were given loans, who should not have been given loans. The lending rates were so low ...that it was always assumed that the percentage rise in price of the property would be much higher; hence the loan was always safe. The real estate brokers sold homes to people with absolutely no documents. These loans were called NINJA loans (No Income, No Job, Asset). The brokers made these loans because they dint care if the loan would be paid back or not, they only had to hold the risk of the loan for a few days, till it was "securitized". Then these securities would rest with banks in their balance sheets. These derivatives were so complex...I'm sure they were some highly complex y= f(x) equation that mindle came up with when he was interning at Lehman. Then they were "sliced" and "diced", assigned arbitrary ratings by rating agencies and sold left and right. When the prices fell and hit the fan, the ones who had created this crap were left holding most of it themselves . A dozen or so HUGE corporations collapsed or became "financial Institutions" that were deemed too big to fall, for the sake of Mankind. This is a whole different topic of debate and there have been many good articles on the subject. 

I don't know if the current credit crisis signals an opportunity for India and China and other Emerging countries to play a larger economic or political role in the world. But there certainly are signals from many countries that they want to negotiate a new world monetary system. The world monetary system is always changing...the introduction of Euro for example has given the governments of the world an alternative to dollar reserves. I think the current crisis certainly means that the role of the US will be diminished in the long term but I don't know how effectively and quickly India can increase its importance in the world stage. 

I hope Manmohan Singh is PM when/if the monetary system is "renegotiated". 

Anyway in conclusion, I think the Entire concept of money is flawed. There is no point on putting a cap on the wealth of the world and then dividing it disproportionately. Yes, there is a cap on the total money because even though the money supply is always increasing, inflation ensures that the value of money is always eroding at a certain rate which keeps wealth constant and people senselessly  going about the Rat race. In fact a big part of the slowdown in the US can be attributed to the higher number of educated adults in Asia who are a cheap source of labour, both in the Services and the Manufacturing Sector, as a consequence, the virtual collapse of the US Auto Industry (both due to credit crunch and losing to low cost Asian rivals).

 Almost all manufacturing jobs (Factory Jobs) could be lost to technology and automation (Robots) in 30-40 years, the technology will exist. Thanks to excessive automation, Mankind has lost many jobs to computer programs. A company's point of contact today is the Internet website and everything can be done online. The only thing that motivates corporations is profit. The term "Corporate Responsibility" is clearly a paradox.  Excess food is destroyed by producers to drive up food prices and hence profit. How can this be allowed in a world where people die of hunger.

So my point is ... The current monetary system will lead to a situation where many human beings will lose their sources of Income and their lives,  as there will be less and less jobs because of Man vs. Technology. Right now we are in the phase of Man vs Man, because it is one country over another trying to divide wealth. 

In this scenario, it is the duty of the world leaders to define a minimum level of equality for the whole world, for every person. In my opinion at least food, clean water, electricity, primary education and basic health care must be provided to everyone in the world. It is possible. But does Mankind have the will and the Integrity to provide basic equality to everyone in the world?? Judging from 2000 years of human history, I highly doubt it.

Folks at least have some basic courtesy I have put in lot of effort to write this... I know many people are reading my blog, I can see that from number of least write 1 line commenting how the post will hardly take 30 seconds...

I am backkkkk.......

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. -Oscar Wilde

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Dreams Galore

We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving. And we all have some power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing. - Louisa May Alcott

They are the most wonderful path that guide to the life which you desire from the core of your heart. Some just dream at night, some have reasons to dream anytime they wish. Just a wink of eye, a fraction of a second and the sense of thought delves harmoniously with the sense of touch.

Even a perfume that has links with the past churns a dream so strong that the entire person could be seen and felt on the next seat. Or may be a rhythm can tinkle the memories that once were reality. Or just a step down from the train on a bustling railway station, the quick scan of the surrounding might take you back to the joyous past.

Those who dream might tell they can feel the touch, the smell and the entire reality that could have been. Some of them are so pleasant that it’s hard to distinguish whether they are real or not and some leave the eyes moist. But it’s only in those moments of dreams that we re-live life the way we want.

I dream, I live !!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Mirza Ghalib's shayri... lines which touch ones soul....

                         literary geniuus: Mirza Ghalib

here's  1 of many gem of his writings:

ishq mujhko naheen, wehshat hee sahee
meree wehshat, teree shohrat hee sahee

qata'a keeje na ta'alluq ham se
kuchch naheen hai to adaavat hee sahee

mere hone mein hai kya ruswaaee
ei woh majlis naheen khalwat hee sahee

ham bhee dushman to naheen hain apne
gair ko tujh se mohabbat hee sahee

apnee hastee hee se ho, jo kuchch ho
aagahee gar naheen ghaflat hee sahee

umr harchand ke hai barq-e-khiraam
dil ke khoon karne ki fursat hee sahee

ham koee tarq-e-wafa karte hain
na sahee ishq, museebat hee sahee

kuchch to de 'ei falak-e-na_insaaf
aah-o-fariyaad ki rukhasat hee sahee

ham bhee tasleem kee kho Daalenge
be_niyaazee teree ` aadat hee sahe

yaar se cheda chalee jaay, 'Asad'
gar nahee wasl to hasrat hee sahee

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

People who know me, know me as a man of many adjectives. I love using adjectives to describe anything i like. But a certain movie which goes by the name " The Shawshank Redemption" has left me speechless. Any adjective i can think of to describe this movie would be a gross understatement. Whenever i watch this movie again i start to admire it more than the last time. I saw this movie again this time around when i went home, the other movie which i think match TSR is “FOREST GUMP” another gem of a movie immortalised by TOM HANKS I’ll write about it some other time, for now TSR. 

                     Perhaps this is the only way i can salute the movie.

TSR is based on a novel by Stephen King titled "Rita Hayworth and shawshank redemption" . The plot uses the very familiar "innocent man in prison" theme albeit with a lot of difference. Andy Dufresne( brilliantly played by Tim robbins) is a quiet banker who is wrongly convicted of the double murder of his wife and a pro golfer whom she was seeing behind his back. He is ordered to serve two consecutive life sentences in Maine's Shawshank prison beginning in 1947.Andy first learns of the dark side of Shawshank when another inmate is beaten to death by Captain Byron Hadley(Clancy Brown) who is a pawn in the hands of the twisted warden Samuel Norton(Bob Gunton).

The story is narrated by Ellis boyd "red" redding(Morgan Freeman) popular in the prison as "red", the self proclaimed entrepreneur or as he put it " the Sears and Roebuck" of shawshank prison, the man who could get you anything and everything .The first contact Andy makes with an inmate is Red, to whom he makes the unusual demand of a rock hammer.This was the beginning of a fine friendship between Red and Andy which we see grow from strength to strength throughout the film. When the rock hammer arrives Red realises that its so small that digging a tunnel might take many many years using it. Andy uses the rock hammer for a hobby of his "rock carving", so Red quickly forgot about the tunnel angle. Andy here shows steel like character as he quickly accepts the hardships that one undergoes in a prison. The dark aspects of prison life are shown when we see Andy thrown inside bowels of the prison. Periodically Andy had to bear solitary confinement due to the evil nature of the warden.

Andy gets a new job in the prison as in charge of the library because of the outgoing lifer Brooks Hatlen who has served 50 years in Shawshank. An emotional , gut wrenching moment of the film is when the inmates read a letter sent from the outside from Brooks who is on the verge of committing suicide because he couldn’t live without this place. Red calls it " institutionalisation". Andy gets on the work of building a memorial library for Brooks in the prison. After continuously pestering the officials for funds, Andy gets his way and his first major contribution to Shawshank in the form of this library begins. Andy's intelligence and know-how is quickly utilized by everyone including the warden Norton who capitalizes on Andy's skills and devises a program to put prison inmates to work for local construction projects, exploiting the prisoners' free labor for his own personal profit, with Andy acting behind the scenes as a money launderer.

Time passes by, Red's parole is always rejected and a new inmate Tommy(Gil Bellows) makes an appearance. Some information about the real killer of Andy's wife and her lover was passed on to him from Tommy. Andy pleads with Norton to look into the matter further and to help him get a new trial but the warden dismisses him, and sentences him to a month in solitary. Tommy is shot to death to prevent him from talking any further, and the situation for Andy looks very grim when he refuses to help Norton launder money. He spends another thirty days in the bowels of the prison, and we are left wondering if he will ever get out of Shawshank.

After this Andy reveals his plan of escaping to Red . Red learns of Andy's dream of starting a new life in Zihuatanejo a small island on the coast of the Pacific. Red thinks that this is a lavish dream knowing truly well that Shawshank's security system would be hard to breach. One morning they find out that Andy is missing in his cell. On probing further they find a tunnel in the wall. Then ,it hits Red. Andy did use the rock hammer for digging a tunnel. It took him 19 long years to make it but the reward was in front him. Andy had gone through the tunnel and escaped out through the drainage system( I was ready to puke here). Red rightly put it as " Crawled through half a mile of shit smelling foul". Andy escapes , withdraws all the money from the fake account the warden's money is hidden in, tells the truth about the warden to a local newspaper ultimately leading to the suicide of Samuel Norton. We see Andy driving away in a hot pair of wheels along the coast of Pacific ocean , where else but Zihuatanejo.

Red is finally given parole after he sends out what was to be one of the dialogues of the movie to the reviewer about rehabilitation in the prison. After the initial struggle in the outside world, Red decides to join his friend Andy . The last scene is a certain goosebump moment when Andy and Red embrace each other.

As a viewer I dont know how this movie failed to win an Oscar. I understand the tough competition from Forrest Gump and Pulp Fiction but clearly this movie is a notch above in more aspects than one. Firstly i have to commend the dialogue writer. Fantastic. top class. period.
The acting was some of the best I'll ever see .Both Freeman and Robbins suited the role to a 'T'. The message and the theme of storyline is like no other and how it brings out the tagline is exemplary.

"Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free"

True, very true. It was hope that unlocked the gates of freedom for Andy and Red.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

How the money works... part 1

This is my second post on this blog & for this particular writeup I have spent countless nights researching Money and the origins of wealth cause I had planned to write an article about it & now decided to post here. Most people take the world monetary system for granted. They think of Money as something that has always existed and something that will always exist. Here are some facts that make you think......

1) World's richest 1% own 40% of all wealth
2) Poorest 50% of world's adults own just 1% of the wealth
3) Richest 10 % account for 90 % of the world's wealth
4) Only 3% of all money in the world exists as cash.....97% of it exists as 1s and 0s in computers across banks. 

You don't have to be a very intelligent man to understand that there is something deeply wrong with the system. I have always believed that to understand something you need to go back to the basics. Question the underlying concept. 

We know that at some point in time we moved from the barter 
system to hard currency, coins and then notes. In order to understand the present monetary system, we need to go back to July 1944. I assume this to be the point when the modern monetary policy was put into effect. This is not some arbitrary date, but the time when the world money system, as we know it today, was put in place. 

The Bretton Woods system of monetary management established the rules for commercial and financial relations among the world's major industrial states. The Bretton Woods system was the first example of a fully negotiated monetary order intended to govern monetary relations among independent nation-states.

Preparing to rebuild the international economic system as World War II was still raging, 730 delegates from all 44 Allied nations gathered at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States, for the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference. The delegates deliberated upon and signed the Bretton Woods Agreements during the first three weeks of July 1944.  

Setting up a system of rules, institutions, and procedures to regulate the international monetary system, the planners at Bretton Woods established the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) (now one of five institutions in the World Bank Group) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). These organizations became operational in 1945 after a sufficient number of countries had ratified the agreement.
The chief features of the Bretton Woods system were an obligation for each country to adopt a monetary policy that maintained the exchange rate of its currency within a fixed value—plus or minus one percent—in terms of gold and the ability of the IMF to bridge temporary imbalances of payments. In the face of increasing strain, the system collapsed in 1971, following the United States' suspension of convertibility from dollars to gold. This created the unique situation whereby the United States dollar became the "reserve currency" for the nation-states which had signed the agreement.

I copied the 2 paragraphs above from WIKI :) 
You can read the whole history if you are interested in Economics. Its extremely interesting, I can tell u that. 

In 1945, the world was very different from what it is today. The economy of Europe was destroyed because of the first world war, the great depression and the second world war. Most Asian and African countries were still colonies fighting for freedom. They had nothing....Nothing! No money, no rights and no power to negotiate. The only country that emerged relatively unscathed was the USA. 
Before the agreement, the currencies of the world were valued or pegged against gold. Each country had its own gold reserves, their currency was guaranteed by gold and gold was the major unit of trade between countries in case they had a major trade deficit. 
As a consequence of the bretton woods agreement all the governments of the world transferred their gold reserves to the US. It still resides there today . About 70% of all gold ever mined in the world is in the US. Only the US dollar was now backed by gold  !!! And the world currencies pounds, francs, rupees etc etc were now backed by US dollars, making the US dollar the reserve currency of the world !!!! Later after this system failed in 1971, even the US dollar was not backed by gold. Essentially it is backed by nothing. If the US fails, so does the world. 

If you think this is not fraud haven't heard the worst of it !!


The IMF was to be the world organization that would assist, finance (  lend at an interest ) to countries who had big trade deficits. 
The big question at the Bretton Woods conference with respect to the institution that would emerge as the IMF was the issue of future access to international liquidity and whether that source should be akin to a world central bank able to create new reserves at will or a more limited borrowing mechanism.

What emerged largely reflected U.S. preferences: a system of subscriptions and quotas embedded in the IMF, which itself was to be no more than a fixed pool of national currencies and gold subscribed by each country as opposed to a world central bank capable of creating money. The Fund was charged with managing various nations' trade deficits so that they would not produce currency devaluations.  

When joining the IMF, members were assigned "quotas" reflecting their relative economic power, and, as a sort of credit deposit, were obliged to pay a "subscription" of an amount commensurate to the quota. The subscription was to be paid 25% in gold or currency convertible into gold (effectively the dollar, which was the only currency then still directly gold convertible for central banks) and 75% in the member's own currency.
In the event of a deficit in the current account, Fund members, when short of reserves, would be able to borrow foreign currency in amounts determined by the size of its quota. In other words, the higher the country's contribution was, the higher the sum of money it could borrow from the IMF.The countries issued bonds and they got cash.

Now if the inequality of this system is not immediately apparent to you , you are not intelligent enough to view this blog...please stop reading !!

Now lets talk about the Quotas :)  If you think quotas for SC/ST etc are wrong. This is a completely different type of quota. It is like giving quotas to the upper class which is even dumber.....

Lets talk numbers :)

USA - 17% 
UK -  5 %
France - 5 %
Japan - 6.13 %
Germany - 6 %
Italy - 3.25 % 
China -  3.72 %
Saudi Arabia - 3.21 %
Canada - 3 %
Russia - 2.74 %
Pot Smoking Netherlands - 2.38 %
Belgium- 2.12 %
India - 1.91 %
Switzerland - 1.6 %
Australia - 1.5 % 
Mexico- 1.45 %
Spain - 1.4 %
Brazil - 1.4 %
Argentina - 1 %
Pakistan - 0.5%

Keep in mind that these quotas are the latest and have been arrived upon by successive iterations every 5 -10 years. The Initial quotas of 1945, gave about 60% voting rights to G8 at that time. 

About 21 countries are indebted to the IMF since it was started. Those in debt include Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Pakistan, South Africa and most of Africa. 

I think the men who put the Monetary system of the world in place probably did it with the best of intentions, or maybe they were just plain evil. But the fact remains that this is the system we live in. They could never have fathomed the kind of world we live in today, the kind of technology that would exists. Think about it. We produce enough food every year to feed the whole world for a year and a half, yet people die of hunger. 

I think I have given you enough to think about and shed some light on the shady monetary system of the world. 
Will continue this post later :) 
I am posting references so u can make intelligent comments  ....

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

kick off.............

The start of a brand new blog....

I’ve started-up on so many unfinished projects that I can bear perfect testimony to it. I even had a blog once, which fell into disuse thanks to what I call my chronic writers’ block, another polite excuse for my laziness. Whenever you start to write a new piece, you have the basic idea about the stuff you are going to put into it. Say you are going to write a novel. You would have figured out all the basic things, the names of the hero and the villain (lol), the basic plot, maybe even some kick-ass action sequences involving the protagonist. But ask yourself, would you have decided on what exactly you would write in the first ever line of the first ever chapter? Most of you will answer this with a ‘no’ and I’ve full sympathy with you (absolutely none if you said yes). 

Beginnings are difficult. They’re so very surprisingly difficult, they could actually make you never begin, and today I face the exact same problem. I figured out that I really wanted to start this blog, after a certain write up i wrote about state of affairs in Indian parliamentary system, and the article, inspired mainly from the style of cyrus and fuelled by sarcasm and frustration wasn’t exactly the best thing I’ve put up on paper. But luckily I shared it on  to further its popularity. This turned out to be a move as awesome as a  back-flip blow (no, it doesn’t really exist, and yes, it’s senseless). I received a moderately good response to that article and that inspired some more ideas on similar lines of thought. Those lines of thought have led me to this so i made this pretty instantaenous decision of writing a blog which is pretty much as intellectual and sophisticated i might get on the internet.. Obviously, that did not help me with the beginning of this blog and here I am, still writing down completely irrelevant thoughts.
   Another very difficult thing about starting to write something new, is deciding on a title. Your title is the first impression, the single most motivating aspect for a potential reader and probably the biggest factor in deciding how awesome your article finally is. I mean your article can have good matter and flow, but a messy title can wreak havoc with its image.

After using up so much space in explaining the title’s importance, I would like to explain my choice of title. I call this blog " The Perennial Psyche" don't confuse with psycho, it  may sound as bizarre as it seems but trust me after so many titles that crossed through my mind none seemed to settle down better than this one, don't complicate yourself deciphering its meaning let me put it simply-Lasting or remaining active throughout the year, or all the time, the human mind as the central force in thought, emotion, and behavior of an individual.

Nah! Mostly I just chose it because it sounds cool.                       

Now that’s a pretty long beginning for someone who took two paragraphs to explain why they suck.

I guess I’ll end the beginning now.

So folks thats the end of the first episode. Stay tuned for more exciting episodes of " The Perennial Psyche"

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